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  • What is an elective ultrasound?
    A elective ultrasound is a non-diagnostic ultrasound that is not ordered by your OB/GYN provider or midwife. A non-diagnostic elective ultrasound is an ultrasound that is for entertainment purposes only. Sweet baby imaging only provides elective ultrasounds.
  • Does an elective ultrasound replace the ultrasound at my doctors office?
    Absolutely not! Women seeking an elective prenatal ultrasound with Sweet Baby Imaging, LLC must already be receiving treatment with a healthcare provider for prenatal care and have already undergone a medical ultrasound ordered by their provider to confirm their due date, screen for fetal anomalies, and to look for any other pregnancy related issues. Please note, at no time is this exam to be used in place of a complete diagnostic ultrasound.
  • Are the ultrasounds at Sweet Baby Imaging covered by Insurance?
    No, the ultrasounds at Sweet Baby Imaging are elective ultrasounds and are not covered by insurance.

Sweet Baby Imaging

3D Baby ultrasound

Discover the joy of your little one with Sweet Baby Imaging! Our state-of-the-art ultrasound technology allows you to see your baby in vivid detail and capture the moment forever. Enjoy the special bond you share with your little one through a beautiful ultrasound experience.

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